Package 1 PLUS*

Package 1 PLUS - is everything in Package One, inclusive of monthly updates for the duration of one year, unlimited photo inclusions, 1 message board and additional pages for a total of up to 20 pages in all. (PHP 20,000 / US$400) For small businesses and organizations who need to update their sites regularly and have online communication with their members and staff. Also for those who already have a website but would like a new look and feel for it.

Or call : +632 7509051

*All text and photos are to be provided by the site owner.


You may opt to have your website on a free server. A good example of this is the Kalilintad Website (see the Projects page). Free servers have banners and pop-up advertisements over which VQX SIGNVS have no control. Please note, however, that we will invest some time and resources for doing so, and for this we will charge a service fee of PHP1,000 / US$20 for setting up your free web server account for you.